Norid's domain name counter is about to round 700,000 domain names. Companies as well as private individuals contribute to the increase.

The Norwegian top-level domain is the obvious first choice for Norwegians who want a domain name. Over the last couple of years some one thousand new top-level domains have been launched on the global domain market, but .no maintains its very strong position
in Norway.

Kari and Ola find domain names useful

.no was made available to private individuals in June 2014, and now private domain no. 50,000 was just registered. The number of registrations increases steadily day by day, which tells us that in addition to businesses, individuals also find it useful to have their own domain name. With a domain name they can create their own corner on the Internet which they can use for whatever they like; a space for their family, for their construction projects on their vacation house, or even to establish their own company. They control the use of the domain name themselves, they can avoid advertisements, and they can keep it for the rest of their life.

Less visible – just as important

To find what we want on the web, we use search engines, click on links or open apps. Thus the domain name is less visible in our everyday Internet use. However, the domain name is still the stable basis for all Internet based solutions and tools. Domain names are as fundamental and important today as they were ten years ago, and there is no competing technology in sight.

Thank you, I'll take both

Facebook and other social media channels have an enormous impact area worldwide. They are tailor-made for quick and simple use, and they are cheap or even free. On the other hand users must relinquish their control over the content they publish, and if the service goes offline permanently, everything is gone.

Nor can social media meet all needs. An entrepreneur who needs to build a professional and serious profile for his new company will need a website to complement his Facebook page, and the good, old email is still a simple and orderly tool for professional customer handling and other business matters.

More about growth in domain names

Published: 1 June 2016
Updated: 11 September 2020