Norid AS

Abels gt. 5, Teknobyen

Phone +47 73 55 73 55

About the use of cookies on

…which website Website Cookies in use PHPSESSID, pll_language, reCAPTCHA, IDE, VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE, YSC, test_cookie PHPSESSID, pll_language, ai1ec_calendar_url norid_pidclient_session, _GRECAPTCHA norid_samtykke_session, _GRECAPTCHA norid_zonemaster_gui_session Table listing Norid’s cookies…

About the use of cookies on

…of device they use, which browser they use, etc. This service inserts cookies. However, IP adresses are anonymized by the function “anonymizeIP” to prevent the service to transfer privacy data…


How many Norwegian domain names are there? How many new domain names are registered and how many are deleted? Who are the biggest registrars for Norwegian domain names? On this…

News item

Norid AS is ISO 27001 certified

…as a registry it is therefore very important to ensure the security and the availability of the registry service and the domain name system for the Norwegian top level domain…

About our privacy policy

…Processing customer data We process data about domain registrations in order to fulfil the agreement with you as a domain holder, and in order to manage the Norwegian top-level domain…

Advice for authorities

Both authorities and other parties, such as the police and prosecuting authorities, the Consumer Authority, the Gaming Authority, the Norwegian Medicines Authority, lawyers and other law scholars, must sometimes handle…

Frequently asked questions

…you want. However, you cannot choose a domain name already registered to someone else, or domain names that, for other reasons, are prohibited or reserved. You have an obligation to

Domain conflicts in the legal system

…and Lovdata. Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee: Complaints archive: (Norwegian only) Court decisions archive: (Norwegian only) Relevant measures in disputes about content and services The only effective means of making an unlawful service…

Online presence – where and how?

…create a website and email using that domain, such as and Or you can choose to use one of the many free email providers, such as or There are…

News item

Internet usage increases – trust varies

…Insurance contributions, and access to public services. This development means that anyone offering anything, be it goods, services or information, must be online. There are many ways to establish an…

How the domain name system works

…name? You can access a website in different ways: Click a link, use an app, follow hits from a search engine, or enter the URL into a browser. All these…

Domain name policy models

…flexibility is possible when it comes to the requirements placed on the applicant (e.g. allowing the applicant to refer to the name of the organization, a trademark, a tradename, a…

Appendix B: The geographical second level domains

…Agdenes Ål å Ålesund å Alstahaug Alta/ Áltá/ Álaheadju áltá.no/ á Alvdal Åmli å Åmot å Andebu Andøy/ Andasuolo…

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Need of knowledge on Internet and domain names

…anything can be registered as a top level domain. Google can for instance register .google as an alternative to, and thus control all addresses that are registered within this…

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The tug of war over the Internet goes on

…for anything to be registered behind the dot – .companyname, .coffe or .anything – was made back in 2008. However, it turned out to be difficult to achieve an international…

Administrative model for the .no domain

…other areas, market mechanisms regulate, to some degree, both prices and policy. If registering a domain under .no becomes too expensive or the domain name policy too complicated, people will…

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Webinar about DNSSEC in the Nordics

…for attackers to falsify returns and direct a user to another IP address than the one associated with the domain name. For example, a user may be directed to a…

Illegal content online

…guide aimed at judges, prosecutors, police investigators, lawyers and others who may require specialized knowledge about the technical and practical aspects of conflict resolution and legal processes involving domain names….

Thinking about starting a business?

When you are starting your own business, you need to get a domain name subscription, register a business name and think about whether you need to protect your trademarks and…

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2020 – a year for digital seven-mile steps

…business in 2020 is, of course, a domain name and an email address, said Schumacher.  If you have a business idea, it may be a good idea to start by securing the…

.no badge

…use your regular text font to write the name Norid. In order to prevent misunderstandings and confusion, we require that all of our trademarks and references to our company name…

News item

Domain scammers are at it again

…domain names under several top-level domains in any case, though? Today there are some 1,500 different top-level domains worldwide, either country codes, such as .no or .se, traditional generic top-level…

Secure online communication

In order for us to be safe online, a complicated puzzle of security measures must fit together just right. An extension of the domain name system, which makes sure you…

Requirements for disclosing customer information

…Protection Authority is granted investigatory authority by Article 58, no. 1(a) of the GDPR to order a data controller, data processor and, if relevant, their representatives to submit all information…

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1 in 5 state that they have been scammed online

…who want to register domain names. Top-level domains with few or no identification requirements, and which also offer free registration, tends to attract questionable activities. The Norwegian top-level domain requires…

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Statistics about Norwegian domain names

…Norwegian domain names are now available in a new graphic interface. The graphs are dynamic and can be downloaded as .xlsx- or .csv-files. We are happy to receive feedback and suggestions…

How to order a domain name subscription

To order a subscription, you must go through a registrar. The registrar will order the domain name subscription from Norid, help you get started, and handle everything necessary to follow…

How is the position of a policy computed?

…answers in the policy survey. The different requirements have been given different values according to how strict they are, and the sum of the requirements that a policy have are…

News item

Letters will be stopped in February

…email notification. In week 6, 7, 8 and 9 (the whole month of February), however, we will not send any letters, only email notifications. Apart from this, the deletion processes…

The administrative framework

…Transport and Communications prepared a proposal for formalization of the administrative model for the .no domain. The proposal was implemented in 2003 through a Domain Regulation, which in addition to

Domain name complaints

…a registered domain name, you can file a complaint. When you want to file a complaint, or respond to a complaint, you can either do it yourself, or you can…

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Interpretation of the judgement

…not order a deletion, but does require Norid to write on our website, and to notify the registrars in particular, that the agreement between Elineweb and CoDNS is not in…

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Watch out for domain scammers

…the domain receiving an offer to buy or The seller often claims that competing businesses are interested in the same domains, and that speed is of the…

Domain name policy for .no

…part of public administration, and the Norwegian Public Administration Act does not apply to this policy. Norid’s stated objective is to conduct its activities in agreement with Norwegian authorities and…

Domain registration directory service

…or or similar. Alternatively, forwarding services can be used, where a provider creates anonymized email addresses, and sets up a service that forwards all emails that come to this…

30 years of Norwegian domain names

how many Norwegian email addresses are in use today. Every domain name can have an infinite number of email addresses, and there are also an infinite number of free addresses…

Amendment to appendix A

…(according to Statistics Norway’s figures), a municipality, a county, a region, an island of significant size, or one of the official names of Norway (selection in accordance with the list…

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Big tasks ahead

…in the public sphere we come upon Internet addresses: in the media, in commercials and all types of services, public as well as private. This infrastructure becomes more and more…